I'm trying to write to an array which was initialized outside an anonymous preg_replace_callback function. I've tried the "use" keyword, and also declaring the variable "global", but neither seem to work.
Here is my code:
// Scan text
foreach($headwords as $index=>$headword){
if(preg_match("/\b".$headword."\b/", $transcript)){
$transcript=preg_replace_callback("/(\b".$headword."\b)/", function($m) use($index, $replaced){
return "<".$index.">";
}, $transcript);
A var_dump of "$replaced" shows it as an empty array. The preg_replace_callback loop is part of a public class function, if that makes any difference.
I've tried Googling this issue but with no success. Very grateful for any help with this problem.
You're almost there:
you forget to add the reference &
to $replaced
variable inside use
parameter if you are planning to reuse it outside the scope.
$transcript=preg_replace_callback("/(\b".$headword."\b)/", function($m) use($index, &$replaced){
return "<".$index.">";
}, $transcript);