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libsndfile - sf_open(): Undefined references in time.h

I am using libsndfile and portaudio to play audio from a .wav file and I am getting some weird undefined reference (in time.h...?) errors upon use of sf_open(const char*, int, SF_INFO*) Before showing the errors, here is some basic info: I'm using MinGW 3.21 (cannot upgrade due to IDE constraints) on Windows 10, with CMake as my build system. I have verified that the const char* passed to sf_open is a valid file name and I have checked that no other lines of code are causing this compilation error. Without further ado, have some lovely errors:

libsndfile/lib/libsndfile.a(aiff.o): In function time':
undefined reference to _time32'

This is printed several times, probably because the function time is used a lot in sf_open although I haven't a clue as to why. This happens as well:

In function `gmtime':
undefined reference to `_gmtime32'

These errors imply no correlation between sf_open and time.h, but I even tried the following,


int main {
    sf_open(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
    return 0;

and gotten the same result. I have libsndfile-1.dll in the same directory as my compiled binaries, and am linking to both libsndfile.a and libsndfile.dll.a. I have tried only linking to libsndfile.a with the same result. However, I tried linking only to libsndfile.dll.a and the program compiled but then crashed, saying:

An error occured while using the portaudio stream
Error number: -9984
Error message: Incompatible host API specific stream info

I'm not sure whether or not that is something for another question, but I thought I'd mention it, seeing that sf_open, the faulty function, seems to do something with stream info. Anyways, this is as far as I've gotten. Help is appreciated!


  • Look at me being such a genius, answering the question by asking it and then not noticing. Sometimes I wonder how I'm still alive. Anyways, it was simple. Don't link libsndfile.a, just libsndfile.dll.a. That's all. The PortAudio error was something entirely unrelated. Sorry for the idiocy, hope this helps at least one person...?