i make this simple C program whose purpose is to count the characters that are in a text file which is given through the second command line argument. The problem i face is that fseek shows not responds with a result to have an infinite loop (while(!feof(fp))) in function "Counter".By replacing the fseek with a fgetc the programm works fine.My my question is what is going wrong with the fseek. Thanks in advance.
#include <stdio.h>
int Counter (FILE * fp);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int cntr;
FILE * fpc;
fpc = fopen(argv[1],"r");
cntr = Counter(fpc);
int Counter (FILE * fp)
int cntr = 0;
while (!feof(fp))
return cntr;
It is allowed and well defined behaviour to seek beyond the end of a file.
That's why fseek()
does not set the end-of-file indicator, it even more unsets it on success.
From the C Standard:
5 After determining the new position, a successful call to the fseek function [...] clears the end-of-file indicator for the stream, and then establishes the new position.