I have a two thrift files: common.thrift
, proto.thrift
namespace java ru.domain.myserv.common
struct MyStruct {
1: i32 val
service MyServ {
1: MyStruct myStruct,
2: i32 val
include "common.thrift"
namespace java ru.domain.myserv.proto
typedef ru.domain.myserv.common.MyServ MyServ
struct ProtoServ {
1: MyServ myServ
Next, I run the thrift generator:
thrift -r -out ../java --gen java proto.thrift
And I see an errors in console:
[ERROR:/path/proto.thrift:8] (last token was 'ru.domain.myserv.common.MyServ')
Type "ru.domain.myserv.common.MyServ" has not been defined.
What I'm doing wrong?
Oh my God.
I had to specify
typedef common.MyServ MyServ
instead of
typedef ru.domain.myserv.common.MyServ MyServ
But for what then namesapace
is necessary?