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Changing configuration's maxBooleanClauses has no effect

I'm upgrading from an old SOLR into SOLR 6. Installed version 6 on my local computer and started playing around to see how our old system copes with the new SOLR.

I have an old system that sometimes uses a lot of boolean clauses within a query. Yes, it would be best to upgrade it to query differently, but this is not doable currently.

I'm supposed to be able to change the maximum amount of boolean clauses via the maxBooleanClauses attribute in solrconfig.xml , but changing it has no effect. I set the same value (102400) to all (2) of my cores. The exception still says Caused by:$TooManyClauses: maxClauseCount is set to 1024.

What I've tried:

  • Reload all cores
  • Unload all cores, and reload with http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE&name=Companies&instanceDir=C:\temp\solr\solr-6.0.0\server\solr\Companies
  • Unload all cores and reload only one

Browsing the admin UI to Core Selector -> name -> Files -> solrconfig.xml shows the right value (102400).

Any ideas? Thanks! :)


  • After adding the changes to solrConfig.xml restart the solr server. This will reflect the changes for you.