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Send Query String in RedirectToAction MVC

I've two action method in the following controller-

public class VisitMasterController 
    public ActionResult StartBrVisit()
        string id=(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); //value=null here

    public ActionResult BrNotPresent()
         return RedirectToAction("StartBrVisit","VisitMaster" , new { id = "id", name = "name" });

After Redirect, Request.QueryString["id"] returns null.

My default route config is-

         new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
         new[] { "OpinionLeader.Areas.BR.Controllers" } //add this line

Any help?


  • You have defined a route with a parameter named id so when you use new { id = "id" }, the RedirectToAction() method finds a match and adds the value as a route value, not a query string value (in the case of name, there is no match, so its value is added as a query string value). You could access it using

    string id = (string)Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"]

    However, it would be far easier to add a parameter to your method

    public ActionResult StartBrVisit(string id)