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SEC-DEFAULTUSERDNE: Default user does not exist: HealthCheck/

I am trying to monitor Marklogic server hosts using healthcheck app server, But the server is throwing SEC-DEFAULTUSERDNE: Default user does not exist: HealthCheck error.

kakula@ops3r:~/monitor$ curl -s --connect-timeout 2 -m 1 http://Hostname:7997

<span class="error">
  <h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1>
    <dt>SEC-DEFAULTUSERDNE: Default user does not exist: HealthCheck/ = 10784468014522530524</dt>
    <dt> [1.0-ml]</dt>


  • Like any other application, the HealthCheck application is set up as an app-server. It ships with App level security and has a default user named HealthCheck. This user is also normally shipped with ML.

    So, based on the limited information provided, it appears that your default user HealthCheck is missing..

    Verify that the user exists: Admin Interface -> Security -> Users

    If you need to re-create it, just note that it ships configured with the role healthcheck-user.

    Lastly, perhaps the ErrorLog provides more info?