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Protect Password in Python Script

I have a python script that I'm running locally which has a password for another application embedded in the os.system call. I obfuscated my password by storing it in a DB that only I have access to and then using windows auth to connect to the DB (Because the script needs to be automated I cant have a prompt for the PW).

With the above said, it occurred to me, couldn't someone just modify my script and print the 'pw' var to obtain my password? I'm working in a shared cloud environment where other developers would have access to my script. Is there any way to abstract it further so someone couldnt just modify my script and get the pw?

import os
import sqlalchemy as sa
import urllib
import pandas as pd

#Specify the databases and servers used for reading and writing data.
read_server = '~~SERVER_HERE~~'
read_database = '~~DATABASE_HERE~~'

#Establish DB Connection
read_params = urllib.quote_plus("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER="+read_server+";DATABASE="+read_database+";TRUSTED_CONNECTION=Yes")
read_engine = sa.create_engine("mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s" % read_params)

#Read PW from DB and set to variable
pw = pd.read_sql_query(pw_query,con=read_engine,index_col=None)
pw = pw.values.tolist()
pw = str(pw[0])
pw = pw.lstrip("['").rstrip("]'")

#Establish connection to server
os.chdir(r"C:\tabcmd\Command Line Utility")
os.system(r'tabcmd login -s https://~~myURL~~ -u tabadmin -p {mypw}'.format(mypw = str(pw)))
#Make sure you update the below workbook, site names, and destination directory.
os.system(r'tabcmd get "~~FILE_Location~~" -f "~~Destination_DIR~~"')

I'm using standard python (Cpython) and MS SQL Server.


  • There's no real way to protect your password if someone can modify the script.

    However, if the shared cloud environment has separate users (i.e logging in via ssh where each person has their own user on the server), then you can change the permissions to restrict access to your code. If not, then I don't think this is possible.