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Call graphs for CUDA

I am trying to generate call graphs for a code that I have in CUDA with egypt but the usual way doesn't seem to work (since nvcc doesn't have any flag that can do the same thing as -fdump-rtl-expand).

More details :

I have a really large code (of which I am not the author) that spans over multiple .cu files and it would be easier for me to understand what it's doing if I had a call graph.

I bet that an answer to this question would be of use to other people as well.

Any ideas on how this can be done with cuda (.cu) files?


  • You can do this with the CUDA support of clang 3.8.

    First, compile your CUDA code to emit llvm (example on Windows with CUDA 7.5 installed):

    clang++ -c --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_35 -o main.ll -I"C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5\include"

    Then, use the generated ll to build the callgraph with opt:

    opt.exe main.ll -analyze -dot-callgraph

    Note that opt is not part of the default binary distribution, you may need to build it yourself (I had a 3.7.1 build and it has been able to manage the ll from 3.8).

    Example file:

    #include <cuda_runtime.h>
    __device__ int f() { return 1; }
    __device__ float g(float* a) { return a[f()] ; }
    __device__ float h() { return 42.0f ; }
    __global__ void kernel (int a, float* b)
            int c = a + f();
            b[c] = h();

    Generated dot file:

    digraph "Call graph" {
            label="Call graph";
            Node0x1e3d438 [shape=record,label="{external node}"];
            Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3cfb0;
            Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3ce48;
            Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3d0a0;
            Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3d258;
            Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3cfd8;
            Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3ce98;
            Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3d000;
            Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3cee8;
            Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3d078;
            Node0x1e3d000 [shape=record,label="{__cuda_module_ctor}"];
            Node0x1e3d000 -> Node0x1e3ce98;
            Node0x1e3d000 -> Node0x1e3d168;
            Node0x1e3d078 [shape=record,label="{__cuda_module_dtor}"];
            Node0x1e3d078 -> Node0x1e3cee8;
            Node0x1e3cfb0 [shape=record,label="{^A?f@@YAHXZ}"];
            Node0x1e3d0a0 [shape=record,label="{^A?h@@YAMXZ}"];
            Node0x1e3ce48 [shape=record,label="{^A?g@@YAMPEAM@Z}"];
            Node0x1e3ce48 -> Node0x1e3cfb0;
            Node0x1e3d258 [shape=record,label="{^A?kernel@@YAXHPEAM@Z}"];
            Node0x1e3d258 -> Node0x1e3cfb0;
            Node0x1e3d258 -> Node0x1e3ce48;
            Node0x1e3d258 -> Node0x1e3d0a0;
            Node0x1e3d168 [shape=record,label="{__cuda_register_kernels}"];
            Node0x1e3cee8 [shape=record,label="{__cudaUnregisterFatBinary}"];
            Node0x1e3cee8 -> Node0x1e3d528;
            Node0x1e3cfd8 [shape=record,label="{__cudaRegisterFunction}"];
            Node0x1e3cfd8 -> Node0x1e3d528;
            Node0x1e3ce98 [shape=record,label="{__cudaRegisterFatBinary}"];
            Node0x1e3ce98 -> Node0x1e3d528;