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Trying to call Watson Translation Service

I am trying to call the IBM Watson Service via REST call in Java. I have got an Web Project in Eclipse which is published via Bluemix Tools. I also use the .jar Files. But when i´m trying a simple code like:

LanguageTranslation service = new LanguageTranslation();

List <IdentifiedLanguage> langs = service.identify("this is a test");

I get this exception:

Unable to extract the trust manager on okhttp3.internal.Platform@ab895790, sslSocketFactory is class
[WARNING ] Application {}ResourceServlet has thrown exception, unwinding now
[WARNING ] Exception in handleFault on interceptor org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.interceptor.JAXRSDefaultFaultOutInterceptor@ac51d486
Unable to extract the trust manager on okhttp3.internal.Platform@ab895790, sslSocketFactory is class
Unable to extract the trust manager on okhttp3.internal.Platform@ab895790, sslSocketFactory is class


  • There seems to be some incompatibility with the JVM used on Bluemix and this latest (3.0.0.RC1) version of the library.

    I can run the sample code locally just fine. Just not on Bluemix.

    My workaround is to use the older 2.10 version of the library:

    Everything works fine there (however you need to remove the .execute() from the end of the translate call to be compatible with older library).