I wanted to change my bash prompt (like any nerd) and keep a custom name for it.
I have already come up with the code which works, but it has some problems. The code is
if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
PS1="[ \[\e[1;33m\]| Dragon Master | \[\e[1;36m\]\[\e[49m\] \W \[\e[0m\]]\e[0;37m ";
PS1="\[\e[1;36m\][ \[\e[1;33m\]| Dragon Master | \W $\[\e[1;36m\]]\e[0;37m ";
And it works fine (not totally),
But there is a problem with this, when the command gets bigger then one line, it does not go to the next line, but it starts overwriting in the same line. Like this,
For reference, the command in the above picture is
x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -enable-kvm -drive if=virtio,file=test.qcow2,cache=none -cdrom Fedora-Live-Desktop-x86_64-20-1.iso
Now, this weird line wrapping does not effect the command in any way. It works perfectly.
Suggestion Guys?
Found the answer in the link that was posted in the comments.
In PS1
quote, every color set must have a \\[
preceding it.
So, my code becomes,
if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
PS1="[ \\[\e[1;33m\]| Dragon Master | \\[\e[1;36m\]\\[\e[49m\] \W \\[\e[0m\]]\\[\e[0;37m\] ";
PS1="\\[\e[1;36m\][ \\[\e[1;33m\]| Dragon Master | \W $\\[\e[1;36m\]]\\[\e[0;37m\] ";
Taken from this answer.