Say I have a list of source files like this:
SOURCE=aaa.src bbb.src ccc.src
I want to create a rule to build each corresponding target in its own folder, the name of which depends on the soruce file.
Sourcefile ----> Corresponding output file / target
aaa.src -------------------> aaa/aaa.out
bbb.src -------------------> bbb/bbb.out
ccc.src -------------------> ccc/ccc.out
How do I write a rule for this using GNUMake? My best effort was the following Makefile:
.PHONY: all clean
SOURCE := aaa.src bbb.src ccc.src
RTARGS := $(SOURCE:%.src=%.out)
TDIRS := $(addsuffix /,$(basename $(SOURCE)))
TARGS := $(join $(TDIRS), $(RTARGS))
%.out: $(SOURCE) # Better source specification?
@[ ! -d "$(dir $*)" ] && mkdir "$(dir $*)"
$(CC) "$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $*)).src" "$@"
rm -f $(TARGS)
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(TDIRS)
The problem here is, that any one target (i.e. .out
file) depends on every source (i.e. .src
file), instead of just the one that has the same basename. I could change the commented line to %.out: %.src
but than the source file would have to be in the same directory as the output file. I could also compile it something like this:
%.out: %.src
$(CC) "$>" -o "$*/$@"
But then make would always compile every target regardless of whether it already exists or not.
How do I get make to use the appropriate source file only. What is the proper way of specifying dependences for each target separately in a generic rule?
In GNU Make you can specify prerequisites separately from recipes and still have a generic / pattern rule for all .out
.PHONY: all clean
all :
SOURCES := aaa.src bbb.src ccc.src
OUTPUTS := $(foreach src,${SOURCES},$(basename ${src})/${src:%.src=%.out})
# Build dependencies in the form of x/x.out : x.src | x
$(basename ${1})/${1:%.src=%.out} : ${1} | $(basename ${1}) # Also depend on the output directory.
$(basename ${1}) : # Rule to create the output directory.
mkdir $$@
$(foreach src,${SOURCES},$(eval $(call ESTABLISH_DEPENDENCY,${src})))
all : ${OUTPUTS}
# Generice rule for all .out files.
%.out :
@echo "build $@ from $^"
touch $@
%.src : # For debugging only.
touch $@
.PHONY: all
$ make
touch aaa.src
mkdir aaa
build aaa/aaa.out from aaa.src
touch aaa/aaa.out
touch bbb.src
mkdir bbb
build bbb/bbb.out from bbb.src
touch bbb/bbb.out
touch ccc.src
mkdir ccc
build ccc/ccc.out from ccc.src
touch ccc/ccc.out
Note that it is more efficient and elegant to have order-only dependencies on directories and let make create them, than to have each recipe checking directory existence first.