I'd like to concat+compile all the less files of one folder into a specified css file.
It works well with JS scripts, using the scriptsIn
function but I can't find an equivalent for less files.
I've read this thread: Laravel Elixir - Compile/concat all less files into one css file? but don't find it very useful since I don't want to know what's in my folder (I don't know how many different less files there are in it).
I'd like to write something like that, if possible:
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.lessIn('resources/assets/less/myfolder', 'public/css/myfolder.css');
I updated laravel-elixir to version 5.0.0 and now this works well:
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.less('resources/assets/less/myfolder/*.less', 'public/css/myfolder.css');