my app (developed in Windows Phone 8.1 RT environment) uses OpenFilePicker which allows me to choose image and capture an image, it works great however when I deployed this app on a Windows 10 device, this function just allowed me to pick an image from the library. I thought about a solution, writing a small code block which can help me to detect the version of the OS like this
But I don't know exactly what I need to do, so please help me!
Read this link:
Windows Store Apps: Get OS Version, beginners tutorials (C#-XAML)
it purpose a simple solution to check is OS has Windows 10 features with reflection:
var analyticsInfoType = Type.GetType("Windows.System.Profile.AnalyticsInfo, Windows, ContentType=WindowsRuntime");
var versionInfoType = Type.GetType("Windows.System.Profile.AnalyticsVersionInfo, Windows, ContentType=WindowsRuntime");
if (analyticsInfoType == null || versionInfoType == null)
// That's not Windows 10