Search code examples

Echo out values of text-boxes created fia for loop in PHP

I have the following form: (please note I am aware that there are no validation in my code)

<form name="frmsplitter" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action = 'step2.php'>


                    <select style="width: 80%" name="cobbulkamount">
                        <option>please select a bulk item</option>
                        <option value= 100>100</option>
                        <option value= 200>200</option>

                    <td><label>Select number of items you want the bulk amount to be splited : </label><input type="text" name="txtnumberofitems" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['btnsplitItem'])){echo $_POST['txtnumberofitems'];}?>" /></td>

                    <td><input type="submit" value="submit" name="btnsplitItem" /></td>

the form submits it goes to the following page :


    if (!empty($_POST['txtnumberofitems'])) {
        $bulkvalue = 200;
        $numberofitems = $_POST['txtnumberofitems'];
            echo "<form name='frmsplitter'  method='POST' action = 'step3.php'>";     
            echo "amount to be splited <input type='text' name='txtamountof' value =$numberofitems> ";
                for ($index = 0; $index < $numberofitems; $index++) {           
                    echo  "<table>".  
                    <td>|amount: <input type='text' name='txtamount.$index'/></td>
                    <td>|Reference 2: <input type='text' name='txtref.$index'/></td>
                    <td>|DCIP:<select name='cobdcip'.$index>
                        echo "<br>";
                        echo "<input type='submit' name='btnpopulate' />";
                        echo "</form>";        

the form submits it goes to the following page :

        if (isset($_POST['btnpopulate'])) {
            $number = (int)$_POST['txtamountof'];
            for ($index = 0; $index < $number; $index++) {
                if (!empty($_POST['txtamount'.$index])) 
                    echo 'nooooooooooo';
                else {                     
                        echo $_POST['txtamount'.$index];
                        echo '<br>';
        } `

My problem is that I get the Notice: Undefined index: txtamount0 and Notice: Undefined index: txtamount1


  • The name of your input is : txtamount.1, not txtamount1, so you should access it this way :

    for ($index = 0; $index < $number; $index++) {
        if (array_key_exists('txtamount.'.$index, $_POST))  {

    Or change your html :

    <td>|amount: <input type='text' name='txtamount$index'/></td>