Any way to strongloop's /User/login responce can be extended by UserRoles field?
By default strongloop return user object with "firstName, lastName, email, id and userName", i also need userRoles.
You can create a remote hook for the built-in login method.
in user.js
module.exports = User => {
User.afterRemote('login', async (ctx, usr, next) => {
let roleMaps = await{ where: { principalId: usr.userId } })
let roleIds = => { return roleMap.roleId })
let roles = await{ where: { id: { inq: roleIds } } })
usr.roles = roles
Note: I'm using ES6 and partially ES7 (async/await), but you can easily rewrite it to ES5.
Another option would be to create a relationship between your User and Role models and then use include filter or scopes.