I have a widget.js with a table and in his headerView I have a controller view. The code:
var table = Ti.UI.createTableView({
id: ('table' + i),
data: tableData,
separatorStyle: OS_ANDROID ? Ti.UI.TABLE_VIEW_SEPARATOR_STYLE_NONE : Ti.UI.iPhone.TableViewSeparatorStyle.NONE,
headerView: Alloy.createController("Principal/Componentes/LocalizacionRow", {parent: $.board}).getView()
I want to pass an event from LocalizacionRow to widget.js using $.trigger but it doesn't work.
My code:
$.localizacion.text = e.data[0].value;
Ti.API.info("## Periódico: " + Ti.App.Properties.getString('media') + " " + $.localizacion.text);
var header = table.getHeaderView();
header.on('recargar', function(e){
Ti.API.debug("--- Recargar");
"--- Recargar" is never showed. What am I doing bad?
I've seen this code here: http://www.tidev.io/2014/09/10/the-case-against-ti-app-fireevent-2/
And here: https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides2/Controller+events
If you want receive the event, you must add a trigger to the LocalizacionRow
controller, like this :
var LocalizacionRowController = Alloy.createController("Principal/Componentes/LocalizacionRow", {parent: $.board});
LocalizacionRowController.on('recargar', function(e){
Ti.API.debug("--- Recargar");
var table = Ti.UI.createTableView({
id: ('table' + i),
data: tableData,
separatorStyle: OS_ANDROID ? Ti.UI.TABLE_VIEW_SEPARATOR_STYLE_NONE : Ti.UI.iPhone.TableViewSeparatorStyle.NONE,
headerView: LocalizacionRowController.getView()