I have a search page that contains a table that gets populated with search results after the user presses the search button. The page object wraps the rows of the search results table in a custom HtmlElement
I'm getting a stale element exception when accessing the results table - as you'd expect because it was just refreshed by an ajax request.
I've worked around it by returning a new instance of the page object after performing the search but I'd rather just recreate the search results field. Is there any way to do this?
@FindBy(css = "[data-viewid='Table1'] .dojoxGridRow")
List<ActivityPerformanceRow> results;
// ...
public void search() {
// If it was a standard WebElement list I'd do something like this:
results = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector(
"[data-viewid='Table1'] .dojoxGridRow"));
After a bit of playing around I came up with this solution - it works well but doesn't deal with HtmlElement name property. Given I don't use it that I'm aware of I'm ignoring it for now...
public <T extends HtmlElement> List<T> findElements(Class<T> elementClass, By by) {
List<T> elements = new LinkedList<T>();
for (WebElement element : driver.findElements(by)) {
elements.add(HtmlElementLoader.createHtmlElement(elementClass, element, null));
return elements;