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Solve equation with complex conjugate

When I try to do this:

(%i1) declare (z, complex);
(%o1)                                done
(%i2) eq1: z^3 + 3 * %i * conjugate(z) = 0;
(%o2)                     3 %i conjugate(z) + z  = 0
(%i3) solve(eq1, z);
                  1/6   5/6       1/3              1/3
             (- 1)    (3    %i - 3   ) conjugate(z)
(%o3) [z = - -----------------------------------------, 
         1/6   5/6       1/3              1/3
    (- 1)    (3    %i + 3   ) conjugate(z)
z = -----------------------------------------, 
           1/6  1/3             1/3
z = - (- 1)    3    conjugate(z)   ]

conjugates are not simplified. And the solution for z in terms of z isn't very useful. Is there a way to simplify it?

Also, how can I simplify out the (-1)^(1/6) part?

Also, this equation clearly has 0 as its root, but it's not in the solution set, why?


  • I don't think solve knows anything about conjugate. Try this to solve it with the real and imaginary parts of z as two variables. Like this:

    (%i2) declare ([zr, zi], real) $
    (%i3) z : zr + %i*zi $
    (%i4) eq1: z^3 + 3 * %i * conjugate(z) = 0;
    (%o4) (zr+%i*zi)^3+3*%i*(zr-%i*zi) = 0
    (%i5) solve (eq1, [zr, zi]);
    (%o5) [[zr = %r1,
            zi = (sqrt(9*%r1^2-%i)+3*%r1)^(1/3)-%i/(sqrt(9*%r1^2-%i)+3*%r1)^(1/3)
           [zr = %r2,
            zi = ((sqrt(3)*%i)/2-1/2)*(sqrt(9*%r2^2-%i)+3*%r2)^(1/3)
           [zr = %r3,
            zi = ((-(sqrt(3)*%i)/2)-1/2)*(sqrt(9*%r3^2-%i)+3*%r3)^(1/3)

    Note the variables%r1, %r2, and %r3 in the solution. These represent arbitrary values.