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Is order of ports in target definition significant (relational target)

New to Informatica and need to clarify this-
Transformation type: Target (SQL Server relational)
Is the order of ports from top to bottom significant when inserting records into a SQL Server DB table? Will there be insert failures if Informatica target port order does not follow the column order of the DB table?

Example: Informatica 9.5 Target Definition port order:

|Port   |DataType|
|Name   |varchar |
|Addr   |varchar |
|Phone  |varchar |

SQL Server column order:

|Column |DataType|
|Name   |varchar |
|Phone  |varchar |
|Addr   |varchar |


  • It will not cause any issue as the insert query generated by Informatica will be like below which will work just fine:

    insert into tablename(Name, Addr, Phone) values ('abc','xyz','123')