I am trying to understand if this event works properly for web apps? I know this event is very powerful in WPF/Winforms but in regards to a webform or mvc application, i can't see how it would work properly.
My main concern regarding the two scenarios, Native vs Web, is that once the Data(Mvc Model) has been sent to the client. How does a server side event get fired and magically updates the models property value on both sides, if it does at all?
doesn't work with ASP.NET MVC.
Because the client in a web app is the browser, you're limited to (mostly) Javascript based solutions. You could use jQuery's 'change' event, and then use AJAX to send data back to the server:
// the email input has changed
$('#email').on('change', function() {
// send the changes to the server
$.post('/url', { email: $('#email').val() });
Once you get comfortable with Javascript and how it works in the browser, you can use a framework like AngularJS, or Vue.js, to handle bindings and notifications (and which would be most comparable to how WPF works).