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swfupload won't allow me to upload from a server to another one

we have two webserver and we have dedicated the task between these two servers. we've decided to put all the asp/aspx page into one server and put an upload.aspx + sql server into another one:

and here is name of the servers : // this is where all the pages reside + swfupload // this is where upload.aspx and sql server resides

and here is the code inside add_item.asp where swfupload gonna call upload.aspx from server2

SWFUpload.onload = function () {
    var audio_settings = {
        flash_url : "../script/swfupload.swf",
        upload_url: "", // this is where swfupload from server1 call server 2
        post_params: {
            "ASPSESSID" : "{CDDAF2E2-1178-4465-9842-E54751DE8664}",
            "HELLO-WORLD" : "Here I Am",
            "section" : "sound"

when I click upload button swfupload tries to redirect my page to and doesn't do its job properly

but when I change the upload_url : to someting like :

everything works fine

I know it is something about security issue in swfupload and they have solved it like this but this fixation makes us dazed .

what can I do about it?



  • This is a security measure in Flash. You can configure your remote server to accept these requests, however, by including a file called crossdomain.xml in your server's HTML root.

    The file should look something like this:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
      <allow-access-from domain="[ YOUR SOURCE DOMAIN HERE ]" to-ports="80" />

    If you must allow access from everywhere, replace "[ YOUR SOURCE DOMAIN HERE ]" with an asterisk "*".

    For more information, read here:

    Good luck!