This block of code fails when trying to set appURL, even though the if test succeeds and that the managed object contact has all fields set to non nil values and for certain contact.facebook has a value so I cant see why I am getting found nil while trying to unwrap?
func openFacebook() {
if (contact.facebook) != nil && (contact.facebook) != "" {
// build url to users facebook page
let appURL = NSURL(string: String(format: "fb://profile=%@", contact.facebook!))!
// build url to user page on facebook web site
let webURL = NSURL(string: String(format: "", contact.facebook!))!
openURL(appURL, webURL: webURL)
I suggest to do it in a better way like :
func openFacebook() {
if let contact = contact.facebook where contact != "" {
// build url to users facebook page
let appURL = NSURL(string: String(format: "fb://profile=%@", contact))!
// build url to user page on facebook web site
let webURL = NSURL(string: String(format: "", contact))!
openURL(appURL, webURL: webURL)
I think this will a better cleaner way to do nil
checks and not force unwraping values later on.