I'm not a functional programmer. So I'm not very familiar with pattern matching, patterns, or any of that stuff. To me I only understand the concept of the good old switch
How would a compiler implement a match statement? What exactly is the difference between match and a switch? There's a GNU C99 extension that allows you to have ranges in cases of a switch, is there a difference between:
match x {
0 ... 9 => ...,
_ => ...,
switch (x) {
case 0 ... 9: ...; break;
default: ...; break;
Note that the second snippet is a simple C switch with this GNU extension.
A pattern match on constant values can be implemented as a jump table or a sequence of conditional jumps - just like switch statements. Allowing ranges does not change this situation much.
Rust enums (at least the ones with members) are implemented like tagged unions, i.e. structs that contain a tag and a union of structs that contain the members.
A pattern match on an enum is then simply translated as a switch on its tag (and also binding the variables bound by the pattern to the members of the union). So something like this Rust code:
enum Result {
TwoResults(i32, i32),
match someResult {
Result::SingleResult(res) => f(res),
Result::TwoResults(res1, res2) => g(res1, res2),
Result::Error => error()
would translate to the same machine code (presumably) as the following C code:
struct Result {
enum {
SingleResult, TwoResults, Error
} tag;
union {
struct {
int arg1;
} singleResult;
struct {
int arg1;
int arg2;
} twoResults;
} value;
switch(someResult.tag) {
case SingleResult: {
int res = someResult.value.singleResult.arg1;
case TwoResults: {
int res1 = someResult.value.twoResults.arg1;
int res2 = someResult.value.twoResults.arg2;
g(res1, res2);
case Error: {