As part of Photos framework, there is an options to download photos from iCloud(if needed). The problem is that i don't understand how to use it.
The docs says :
var progressHandler: PHAssetImageProgressHandler?
Where PHAssetImageProgressHandler
The signature for a block that Photos calls while downloading asset data from iCloud. Used by the progressHandler property.
typealias PHAssetImageProgressHandler = (Double, NSError?, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>, [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> Void
But i have no idea how to integrate it, any suggestions folks?
the request i'm using
var options: PHImageRequestOptions = PHImageRequestOptions()
options.networkAccessAllowed = true
options.progressHandler = PHAssetImageProgressHandler {
It's used as a closure in the class PHImageRequestOptions
which is passed for example to requestImageForAsset:targetSize:contentMode:options:
of PHImageManager
The syntax looks like
let finalRequestOptions = PHImageRequestOptions()
finalRequestOptions.progressHandler = { (progress, error, stop, info) in
// do something with the returned parameters
The documentation says:
If you request an image whose data is not on the local device, and you have enabled downloading with the networkAccessAllowed property, Photos calls your block periodically to report progress and to allow you to cancel the download.
There is a good description of PHImageManager
on nshipster