I am using Jasper Reports in my Grails 3 application to generate PDF files. I had some issue with Jasper Report plugin for Grails. So we are using Jasperreport jars to generate the PDF.
compile 'net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports:6.2.1'
I created a 'JasperReports' in project level and added all the jrxml and jasper files. In the development environment I use the below way to compile the report.
jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport('JasperReports/FYF_Report.jrxml')
Everything works fine in development but when the war is generated it is not including the 'JasperReports' folder. I tried adding the folder in conf but it did not work.
Let me know if I am missing any configuration to include the 'JasperReports' folder in war.
I resolved the issue by adding the JasperReports folder in src/main/webapp. Path to access the files will be different in local and Production, So I am getting the real path from context as below
def sc=session.getServletContext()
def reportsPath=sc.getRealPath("/")
jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(reportsPath+'JasperReports/FYF_Report.jrxml')