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Dashing job get_event?

In my dashboard I have a job where I would like to get a value from my widget.

# :first_in sets how long it takes before the job is first run. In this case, it is run immediately
SCHEDULER.every '1s', :first_in => 0 do |job|
  send_event('my_widget', { value: rand(400) })

This is the code to send data to my widget, but how could I get the data? What is the "get_event" that I'm looking for?


  • From this issue in dashing github repository, You can use server sent events to get data from dashing dashboard.

    Dashing provides data from the same API end point

    Excerpt from returned data

    data: {"current":77,"last":82,"id":"valuation","updatedAt":1461840437}

    data: {"current":104578,"last":89199,"id":"karma","updatedAt":1461840437}

    data: {"value":62,"id":"synergy","updatedAt":1461840437}