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How to use hexdump to show charaters in different presentations at the same time

I am counting the number of characters of files and directory names of an entire directory.

find . -printf "%f/n" | sed 's/./&\n/g' | sort | uniq -c 


    234 _
    162 /
    341 .
    342 0
    156 1
    217 2
     99 3

But I need also a list of decimal, hex and normal representation at the same time of the found characters:


066 0x42 'A'
090 0x5A 'Z' 

I have tried hexdump with different format options but this didn't work for me.

Can it be done with hexdump ?


  • Can it be done with hexdump?


    find . -printf "%f/n" |
    hexdump -v -e '/1 "%03d "' -e '/1 "0x%02X "' -e '/1 "%c\n"'

    See examples at the end of the hexdump man page.