How to display multi line error message in the toastr ??
I have formatted my error message like below
"Please fix the following: \r\nFirst Name is required\r\nLast Name is required\r\nEmail Address is required\r\n"
But in the toasrt it shows in the single line. Please help
As told by Dr.Stitch, toastr using the string as HTML, so we have to add </br>
for the new line:
Please fix the following: </br>First Name is required</br>Last Name is required</br>Email Address is required</br>
For version 12+:
toastr.success('Please fix the following: </br>First Name is required</br>Last Name is required</br>Email Address is required</br>', '', { closeButton: true, timeOut: 4000, progressBar: true, allowHtml: true });