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Capped collections vs Queues

I'm trying to understand what is the capped collection is, specifically in context of MongoDB, and what would be the difference in compare with queue?


  • Capped collection will remove oldest document when it reaches it limit, so that could be an issue if there is a need to process ALL documents from capped collection.

    from mongo: Capped collections work in a way similar to circular buffers: once a collection fills its allocated space, it makes room for new documents by overwriting the oldest documents in the collection.

    comparing to queue:

    1. queue will not remove records when full (it could throw an exception like out of memory)

    2. queue can remove record when dequeued - in capped collection you need to delete it on your own

    3. capped collection cleanup: if capped collection size is 40 documents - then when 41st document is added -> the 1st entry is removed

    I think this the most important things - any comments welcome!