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Intellij idea plugin: Psi Classes

I am developing a plugin in Intellij idea. I am stuck at inserting a piece of code after a statement.

For eg:


I need to find the element launchPurchaseflow and add a piece of code after that statement.I used PsiElement and string matcher to get to the corresponding string.

Now my PsiElement = mhelper.launchPurchaseFlow. If I use

psiClass.addAfter(newElement, PsiElement.getContext());

It is only trying to add after the closing paranthesis.So its pop out my new element as Incorrect Statement.

For eg:

Its adding at position


But I need to add at

mHelper.launchPurchaseflow(str,str,str); // new Element.


  • It's hard to give you a correct answer since you're not showing us how you are inserting the new text, but let's say you have a variable PsiElement myElement that contains the expression mHelper.launchPurchaseflow(str,str,str) (without the semicolon). If you call getParent() on that element, you will likely have access to the statement representing the method call:

    // Should represent "mHelper.launchPurchaseflow(str,str,str);" with the semicolon
    PsiElement parent = myElement.getParent();

    If you add your code after this node, it should produce a valid statement.

    Alternatively, if getParent() does not return a PsiStatement and you want to be certain to have the full statement, you can do this:

    PsiElement statement = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(myElement, PsiStatement.class);