I was going through SASS documentation and found that complement
and invert
have the same output, Can you tell me what is the difference between these two?
//SASS Code
//Returns the complement of a color.
$invert:invert($color);//Returns the inverse of a color.
.complement {
background: #00ff66;//Same Color Code
.invert {
background: #00ff66;//Same Color Code
For some reason, many online examples for complement
use color values resulting in the same output for both functions.
While the complement
of many color values are the same, there are also many values that result in different colors.
$color: #ff6699;
complement($color) = #66ffcc;
invert($color) = #009966;
To re-word the Sass documentation:
Returns the color that is 180 degrees opposite on the HSL color wheel.
To calculate the complement of a color:
Convert the color value to RGB
#ff6699 = RGB 255, 102, 153
Add the highest and lowest RGB values
255 + 102 = 357
Subtract each of the original RGB values from the number in step #2
(357-255) (357-102) (357-153)
102 255 204
This corresponds to #66ffcc
Returns the inverted red, green, and blue values of the color.
To calculate the invert of a color:
Convert the color value to RGB
#ff6699 = RGB 255, 102, 153
Flip the values by subtracting the original RGB values from 255
(255-255) (255-102) (255-153)
0 153 102
This corresponds to #009966