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How to pass object to partial in dot.js

I am trying to pass a new created object to my dot.js partial snippet like this :

try {
  var tempFn = doT.template($('#myTpl').text());
  var resultText = tempFn({
    "foo": "this snippet"
} catch (e) {
  throw e;
#error {
  font-weight: bold;
  border: 1px solid red;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Template HERE -->
<script id="myTpl" type="template/doT.js">//<![CDATA[
  <div>How to use {{=obj.x}}</div>
// ]]></script>

<div id="result"></div>
<div id="error" style="display: none;"></div>

But I get Template has an error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token : So how can I create and pass object (or multiple params) to a defined partial ?

What's going wrong ?


I have a schedule structure that come from a REST webservice like that :

"schedule": {
      "MONDAY": {
        "amOpenTime": {
          "hours": 8,
          "minutes": 30
        "amCloseTime": null,
        "pmOpenTime": null,
        "pmCloseTime": {
          "hours": 17,
          "minutes": 0
      "TUESDAY": {
        "amOpenTime": {
          "hours": 8,
          "minutes": 31
        "amCloseTime": null,
        "pmOpenTime": null,
        "pmCloseTime": {
          "hours": 17,
          "minutes": 40

I would to do not repeat my templating for each day because they must be processed in same way (DRY!) So I consider using partial snippet to print each line of my schedule (morning open/close time and afternoon open/close time). So as morning and afternoon div sould be threated in same way, I would like to create a second snippet to handle that. But for morning I need to pass only am prefixed data and pm prefixed data for afternoon like that :

// multiple condition that I ommited
<div class="closed {{fday.type}}">{{fday.openTime.hours}}:{{fday.openTime.minutes}} - {{fday.closeTime.hours}}:{{fday.closeTime.minutes}}</div>

{{? (typeof hday.amOpenTime === "undefined" || hday.amOpenTime === null) && (typeof hday.pmCloseTime === "undefined" || hday.pmCloseTime == null) }}
<div class="closed">Closed</div>
{{#def.scheduleHalfDay:{"type": "morning", "openTime": hday.amOpenTime, "closeTime": hday.amCloseTime}}}--{{#def.scheduleHalfDay:{"type": "afternoon", "openTime": hday.pmOpenTime, "closeTime": hday.pmCloseTime}}}
<div class="agency-schedules">
    <div class="line"><div class="agency-schedules-day">Monday</div>{{#def.scheduleRow:it.horaires.MONDAY}}</div>
    <div class="line"><div class="agency-schedules-day">Tuesday</div>{{#def.scheduleRow:it.horaires.TUESDAY}}</div>

scheduleHalfDay are not working. So how can I pass my 3 parameters properly (without change data structure) ?


  • Another way to make it work is to declare your param as a variable.

    {{ var param = {"x"}; }} {{#def.snippet:param}}