Being a complete begginer in python, I decided to install the python interpreter 3.4.4, and also PyDev plugin for eclipse IDE. I am also using windows 10.
I have encountered a problem regarding certain imports, namely : from PIL import Image, ImageTk
, which is apparently an unresolved import.
I have looked at certain questions which were similar to my situation, but most of them gave a solution like installing packaged from the linux apt-get. Here are some topics I visited :
So please, could someone explain to me why I am seeing this error, and how could I correct it if I absolutely want to use Eclipse, Pydev, windows 10 and Python 3.
Found the solution, here's what I did:
pip install pillow
. Alternatively, you can enter the same command from Windows+R,Windows->Preferences->PyDev->PythonInterpreter
remove your interpreter to re-add it,