I'm making a python server using ssl. So, I'm using gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer. But when I try to deliver keyfile.. that is not deliver to _ssl.c which is c library for python.
My code is below..
rack.append(WSGIServer(('', conf.ssl_port), application, backlog=2500,
keyfile=conf.keyfile, certfile=conf.certfile))
Surely, keyfile has proper values. but when this is reached at _ssl.c's code
on that function's PyString_Check for keyfile argumnet makes segmentation fault. (You can confirm /Python-2.7.5/Module/_ssl.c + 2695 line).
when i confirm load_cert_chain_args' keyfile arg, I can see this log.
keyfile=keyfile@entry=(unknown at remote 0xd231d4)
but when I confirm this memory's value.
x/s 0xd231d4L : "correct string is in here"
I don't know why this make.. though in memory there is proper value about keyfile.
if this is pagetable issue.. maybe i can't see the keyfile value using gdb.
but i don't know why _ssl.c's load_cert_chain makes Segmemtation fault (PyString_Check(keyfile)).
and I don't know although i can see the value in memory why gdb remains unknow at remote log.
I'm using Python 2.7.5 on Centos 7 and using python-gevent 1.0-2.el7).
Finally I find the answer.
when i used Python 2.7.5-34 which is installed in CentOS 7.2,
that deliver pure string not as PyObject to _ssl.c python c module.
for soliving my problem, below link is really helpful.