I am writing a C++ program using Qt that reads data from the serial line. The "producer" of the data is an Arduino UNO board.
The Arduino code is very simple. Currently, it just generates a random number and sends it over the serial line. Here is the code:
long randNumber;
void setup() {
void loop() {
randNumber = random(300);
I have used the Arduino's "serial monitor" to verify that data is coming across the serial line.
On the Qt side of things, I have a worker thread that is supposed to read the serial data and update a plot on the UI accordingly. The worker thread is definitely running, and this code is getting executed (I've checked). I only have one device in my "port list" that shows up, and it is the Arduino, so currently I connect right to it. Here is the code:
void doWork ()
QList<QSerialPortInfo> port_list = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts();
QSerialPort serialPort;
if (!serialPort.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite))
cout << QObject::tr("Failed to open port COM3, error: %1").arg(serialPort.errorString()).toStdString() << endl;
int bytes_available = serialPort.bytesAvailable();
if (bytes_available >= 4)
QByteArray byte_array = serialPort.read(4);
int data = byte_array.toInt();
emit signalDataReady(data);
Unfortunately, there are never any bytes available. It opens the serial port successfully, but no bytes come through. What am I doing wrong here? Any ideas? Thanks!
You are forgot to add waitForReadyRead() before bytesAvailable().