I am using facebook and meteor accounts-password login to register users. I want to get the name of all the users in the Meteor.users database. Currently I am proceeding like this :
{{#each users}}
<a href = "/chatTime/:{{_id}}">{{username}}</a>
I am able to get username of users logged in through accounts-password and not through facebook. How to proceed?
You need to use Accounts.onCreateUser()
to be able to save anything from facebook or other services. Here is an example with profile picture and email included.
if (typeof(user.services.facebook) != "undefined") {
user.email = user.services.facebook.email;
user.profilePicture = "http://graph.facebook.com/" + user.services.facebook.id + "/picture/?type=large";
user.username = user.services.facebook.name;
user.firstName = user.services.facebook.first_name;
user.lastName = user.services.facebook.last_name;
return user;