Our web app has a background image attached to its body, with background-size: cover. This works fine on iPad, but when adding the app to home screen, the background is removed.
Removing "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" helps, but we need this feature.
I can't seem to solve this, and would really love some inputs.
App: https://mementor.easydays.me
Thank you!
When I add the site to the home screen as a web app, and then click on the icon, the screen is white for a few seconds until the page loads, and then the background appears to load correctly.
The white background is used in place of a web app startup image, which you can specify like this:
<link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="/startup.png">
I recommend looking into Apple's Startup Images (more info on that here).
Does this solve your background image problem?