So I've found xcopy super helpful to copy entire folder structures. But I also need to copy the contents of specific folders into the new directories as well.
For example:
1. C:\OriginalDir
- \This
* \Test
- \That
* \Test
- \Other
I can use: xcopy C:\OriginalDir C:\TempDir /e /t
to copy the entire structure of the C:\OriginalDir
. However, I also need to copy the contents of both \Test
folders into the new directory as well. I'm fairly new to xcopy and I've also looked into robocopy. Is there a way to do this? I'm trying to accomplish this in powershell and thought about iterating through the folder structure, but that still doesn't store the parent folder structure when I finally reach the Test folder.
Thanks to Steve for getting me started and getting me thinking about this correctly. Ended up scripting it out manually without using RoboCopy or Xcopy as I could not get them to work exactly how I wanted to.
$target = "C:\\TestTemp"
foreach($item in (Get-ChildItem "C:\\OriginalDir\\This" -Recurse)){
if ($item.PSIsContainer -and ($item.Name -eq "obj" -or $item.Name -eq "bin")){
$tempPath = $target
$path = $item.FullName
$trimmed = $path.TrimStart("C:\\OriginalDir")
$pieces = $trimmed.Split("\\");
foreach($piece in $pieces){
$tempPath = "$tempPath\$piece"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$tempPath"
if($piece -eq "Test" -or $piece -eq "Temp"){
Copy-Item -path $path\** -Destination $tempPath -Recurse -force