I have terabytes of files and database dumps that I need to backup off-site.
What's the best way to accomplish this?
I'm currently weighing rsyinc to Amazon EBS or getting an appliance (eg barracuda).
I called a buddy of mine, and he said he uses backula to get all the files on a single disk, then backs that disk up to tape, then sends the tapes off to iron mountain.
Still waiting to hear back from other sysadmins I've contacted. Will post results here.
Over the weekend, I've heard back from a couple of my sysadmin buddies.
It seems the best practice is to backup all machines to a central large disk, then back that disk up to tape, then send the tapes off site (all have used Iron Mountain).
Tapes hold 400-800G and cost $30-$80 per tape. A tape changer seems to go for $10k on up.
Not sure how much the off-site shipping costs.