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HowTo: First click animation 1, second click animation 2

I am about to build a mobile burger menu that animates as follows:

1) Click 1 on burger menu: menu open animation...nav links fade-in last
2) Click 2 on burger menu: nav links fade-out close animation

I am animating with jQuery:

/* mobile menu fx */



How can I set a different class for the second click (closing the menu)?


  • If you want to do it in the JS side, why dont you try to add a count variable, see if it works:

    /* mobile menu fx */
        var count = 0;
           if(count == 0){
               // do something in the first click;
           } else{
               // do something in the second click;
        // Dont know which one goes in the first or in the second click

    I know it's a bit dirty and there could be better ways. I haven't checked if it works, but this is just one of them, hope it helps.