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QR Codes - Camera Orientation/Projection

I am looking for a library or method to decode a QR Code (or potentially another form of 2d barcode) and to be able to actually determine the camera position and orientation. This seems like it should be doable, but I am not entirely sure.

Does anyone know what the best route for this is? Or if it is even possible?


  • zxing is the open-source Google-hosted Java library for 2d barcodes including QR.

    see (optional metadata returned in a hashtable from

    Denotes the likely approximate orientation of the barcode in the image. This value is given as degrees rotated clockwise from the normal, upright orientation. For example a 1D barcode which was found by reading top-to-bottom would be said to have orientation "90". This key maps to an Integer whose value is in the range [0,360).