I have the following code for a dropdown menu that lists month.
{{ for( var col = 0; col < d.colCount; col++ ) { }} <!-- This is the way adding js code -->
<option value="[Time].[Month].[month].[{{=d.colLabel(col) }}]">{{=d.colLabel(col) }}</option>
{{ } }}
When the user selects an option, an event called month should be fired. How can i do that in icCube OLAP.
There are several possibilities how you can achieve needed functionality
On Cell Click Functionality
There is special attribute that allows to click on specific data cell called ic3a read more...
{{ for( var col = 0; col < d.colCount; col++ ) { }}
<option ic3a="fireClick(0,{{=col}})" value="[Time].[Month].[month].[{{=d.colLabel(col) }}]">
{{=d.colLabel(col) }}
{{ } }}
You should specify event name for "on Cell Click" : "month" in options' "Events" tab.
External Code
If you have access to ic3Reporting instance
for example:
var ic3Application = ic3.startReport(options);
and want to handle current functionality with code on your site you can fire ic3-internal events in such way :
<script type="text/javascript">
//get ic3application instance
var ic3Application = ic3.startReport(options);
function selectMonth (value) {
ic3Application.fireEvent("month", new viz.event.ValueEvent(value))
<select onchange="selectMonth(this.value)">
{{ for( var col = 0; col < d.colCount; col++ ) { }}
<!-- This is the way adding js code -->
<option value="[Time].[Month].[month].[{{=d.colLabel(col) }}]">
{{ } }}
ic3 FILTER Widget
Suitable when you want to get list of predefined months from cube. Add MDX Filters > ICCUBE > Drop-down widget and configure it's settings in needed way.
ic3 ACTION Widget
This option is suitable when you have specific list of months.
Just create Tools/Utilities > Actions > Drop-down widget and provide needed months at "Items Wizard" options' tab and set "month" as value to "on Selection" event name at "Events" tab.