This is the reponse which i got from api
Message = "email verification link has been sent to your email. please verify your account.";
Result = {
"V002_vendors_type" = "<null>";
"V003_pharmacy" = (
"V010_subscription" = "<null>";
"attempt_date" = "<null>";
created = "2016-04-27T12:26:04.5809108+00:00";
email = "";
"first_name" = jack;
id = 10180;
"is_lock" = 0;
"last_name" = "<null>";
mobile = 9999999999;
password = e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e;
"profile_Image" = "<null>";
status = PV;
subscription = 1;
updated = "2016-04-27T12:26:04.5809108+00:00";
"vendor_type_id" = 1;
Status = 1;}
now i am mapping this response by alamofireObjectMapper
here is my code
func pharmacySignUp()
let url = "http://\(basicURL)vendor_signup"
let param :[String : AnyObject] =
"email" : txtemail.text!,
"password" : txtpassword.text!,
"mobile" : txtmobile.text!,
"first_name" : txtname.text!
Alamofire.request(.POST, url, parameters: param, encoding: .JSON).responseObject { (response:Response<signupVarificationCode, NSError>) in
let signupVarificationCode = response.result.value
if let threedayForecast = signupVarificationCode?.result {
for ResultNew in threedayForecast {
and these are my class in which i am saving values
class signupVarificationCode: Mappable {
var Message : String?
var Status : String?
var result:[String:AnyObject]?
required init?(_ map: Map){
func mapping(map: Map) {
Message <- map["Message"]
Status <- map["Status"]
result <- map["Result"]
class Resultnew: Mappable
var lastName : String?
var isLock : String?
var mobile : String?
var id: String?
var attemptDate : String?
var Created : String?
var Updated : String?
var Subscription: String?
var vendor_type : String?
var profileimage : String?
var pharmacy : String?
var vsbuscription : String?
var email: String?
var status : String?
var vendor_typeId : String?
var FirstName : String?
var Password: String?
required init?(_ map: Map){
func mapping(map: Map) {
lastName <- map["last_name"]
mobile <- map["mobile"]
id <- map["id"]
isLock <- map["is_lock"]
attemptDate <- map["attempt_date"]
Created <- map["created"]
Updated <- map["updated"]
Subscription <- map["subscription"]
vendor_type <- map["V002_vendors_type"]
profileimage <- map["profile_Image"]
pharmacy <- map["V003_pharmacy"]
vsbuscription <- map["V010_subscription"]
email <- map["email"]
status <- map["status"]
vendor_typeId <- map["vendor_type_id"]
FirstName <- map["first_name"]
Password <- map["password"]
Here i am getting values in my function as
for ResultNew in threedayForecast {
but these vales are coming like this
("last_name", <null>)
("mobile", 123456)
("is_lock", 0)
("attempt_date", <null>)
("created", 2016-04-27T12:32:20.6046072+00:00)
("updated", 2016-04-27T12:32:20.6046072+00:00)
("subscription", 1)
("V002_vendors_type", <null>)
("profile_Image", <null>)
("V003_pharmacy", [])
("V010_subscription", <null>)
("status", PV)
("vendor_type_id", 1)
("first_name", jack)
("id", 10182)
("password", e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e)
but i cannot access is like this print(
so how acn i access perticular value which i want to i want to only password among these so how can do this?
You specified that the result
should be a dictionary ([String:AnyObject]
) so you got a dictionary. Try changing it to this :
var Message : String?
var Status : String?
var result:Resultnew? // <-- this line