I have two scenes - DifficultScene
and GameScene
. In DifficultScene
I have three buttons - easy, medium and hard. I use a global variable Bool to keep track of the current difficulty level. When I try easy mode everything works fine, but when I try medium or hard, bool is changing every second, jumping from hard to medium and easy, making game unplayable. My question is - how can I fix it? Here are code were it happens:
-(void)update:(CFTimeInterval)currentTime {
/* Called before each frame is rendered */
extern BOOL isEasyMode;
extern BOOL isMediumMode;
extern BOOL isHardMode;
if ((isEasyMode = YES)) {
[self computer];
if ((isMediumMode = YES)) {
[self computerMedium];
if ((isHardMode = YES)) {
[self computerHard];
[self scoreCount];
(if more code is needed, i will post it)
I think your update method calls periodically as per timer so it will get called continuously if it so then. Thats why it is happening i think and another major thing is you should use ==
for comparison. you are using (isEasyMode = YES)
that means you are assigning YES
to isEasyMode
So replce all if statement like if ((isEasyMode = YES))
with if (isEasyMode == YES)
Update :
if statement should like,
if (isEasyMode == YES) {
[self computer];
Hope this will help :)