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How do I resign app with entitlements?

I have an .ipa file which I need to resign. I tried doing it as explained on the blog:

$ codesign -f -s 'iPhone Developer: Thomas Kollbach (7TPNXN7G6K)'

However this is insufficient. When I do codesign I get something like this:

$ codesign -d --entitlements -

I don't get any entitlements listed.

However if I do codesign -d --entitlements on the original IPA file from xCode I get:

<plist version="1.0">

I tried the line below

 codesign --entitlements -f -s 'iPhone Developer: Thomas Kollbach (7TPNXN7G6K)'

But the following keys are not included:

  • beta-reports-activ
  • get-task-allow

So how am I supposed to do this? I don't have an entitlements file, in xCode 7, one only checks Capabilities. And all I have is Apple Push notifications.

Finally to clarify my requirements:

  1. I will not change App ID or use different provisioning profile or code signing identity compared to what xCode exports.
  2. Only the main executable is changed with a tool, which is why a resign is needed.


  • The answer is actually quite self evident in the question itself. The output from:

    $ codesign -d --entitlements -

    Is actually a perfectly valid entitlements file. So you can store the output from the original .ipa exported from xCode by writing:

    $ codesign -d --entitlements entitlements.xml

    This will store the entitlements in entitlements.xml which you can then use in an argument to sign the .ipa file yourself:

    codesign --entitlements entitlements.xml   -f -s "iPhone Distribution: Company (UFAYDHAUP)" Payload/

    Naturally "iPhone Distribution: Company (UFAYDHAUP)" has to be replaced with the signing identify you use and Payload/ will be the path to your app which has been unzipped from the .ipa file.