So I have a problem. I have an ASP.NET Webforms application. I'm using SMO to do some simple copying to another database. The whole routine works perfectly through my local IIS. I have a Try Catch around the whole statement. It returns me the error: The directory 'LocalApplicationData' does not exist.
Can anyone help me with this? I have traversed Google but can't find anything (I read but need a better explaination).
My Code:
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Security.Principal
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Public Class betatolive
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Public Shadows User As clsUser = New clsUser(Me.Page)
Private Sub betatolive_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If User.Data.fUserLevel < 98 Then Response.Redirect("~/Admin/")
End Sub
Private Sub lnkTransferData_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim feedback As String = "Transfer successful."
Dim dbSrcServer = New Server(",1337")
With dbSrcServer.ConnectionContext
.LoginSecure = False
.Login = "username"
.Password = "password"
End With
Dim dbSource As Database = dbSrcServer.Databases("dTransferSource")
Dim dbDest As Database = dbSrcServer.Databases("dTransferDest")
Dim dbTransfer As New Transfer(dbSource)
For Each t As Table In dbSource.Tables
If Not t.Name.Contains("OBSOLETE") And Not t.Name = "name" Then
End If
Dim dropDestTables As New List(Of Table)
For Each t As Table In dbDest.Tables
If Not t.Name = "name1" And Not t.Name = "name2" And Not t.Name = "name3" Then
End If
For Each t As Table In dropDestTables
Dim transferOpts As New ScriptingOption
With transferOpts
.ClusteredIndexes = True
.Default = True
.FullTextIndexes = True
.Indexes = True
.NonClusteredIndexes = True
End With
With dbTransfer
.CopySchema = True
.CopyData = True
.CopyAllObjects = False
.CopyAllTables = False
.Options = transferOpts
.DestinationServer = dbSrcServer.Name
.DestinationDatabase = dbVaDest.Name
.DestinationLoginSecure = False
.DestinationLogin = "username"
.DestinationPassword = "password"
End With
Catch ex As Exception
feedback = String.Format("Please do not attempt the transfer again until further notice. <br /> Transfer Error: " & ex.InnerException.Message())
End Try
lnkTransferData.Text = feedback
lnkTransferData.Enabled = False
End Sub
End Class
With dbTransfer
.CopySchema = True
.CopyData = True
.CopyAllObjects = False
.CopyAllTables = False
.Options = transferOpts
.TemporaryPackageDirectory = Server.MapPath("~/dbtemp") ' This is the fix, had to create a temp folder and set that property to the path
.DestinationServer = dbSrcServer.Name
.DestinationDatabase = dbVaDest.Name
.DestinationLoginSecure = False
.DestinationLogin = "username"
.DestinationPassword = "password"
End With
@jmcilhinney - Just FYI, I did what you said and it returns a blank string, which pointed me to the idea that maybe it needs to be set, so I checked the reference and found that property above.
Thanks for your input, I didn't think of doing what you suggested and it lead me to solve the issue.