I've implemented API version 3 of GooglePlay Inapp purchase.
I'm logged in with the same Google account on two devices.
On device #1
, I've just purchased an item using this: https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_integrate.html#Purchase
When I immediately query the purchased items (on device #1
) with: https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_integrate.html#QueryPurchases it returns the info of the in-app so everything is fine.
When I query the list of purchases on device #2
, it won't return the item I've just purchased, it returns an empty list.
When I try to buy the item on device #2
it tells me I already own it.
Any ideas on why the purchase from device #1
is not reflected on device #2
Please note that the inapps are Managed products
, so Google should hande the syncing across different devices with the same google account, right ?
It seems that it takes a while for the changed to actually take place on GooglePlay. The device on which I buy the item, seems to cache that I did so, and instead of asking GooglePlay, it takes that from a local cache. That's why another device did not know about the purchase. It took about an hour for the second device to receive the purchase info from GooglePlay.