While in visual mode with if you highlight some text and press backspace the cursor will continue to move back and continue to highlight more of your code; however, if you hit the d key, the highlighted text will be deleted and sublime will move back into command mode.
I'd like my backspace key to be mapped to my d key but only when I'm in visual mode. But I think that it's more like I'd like to map my backspace key to the same command as my d key when I'm in visual mode (because I think that's how sublime goes about emulating vim anyways, but not completely sure) How would I go about doing this? Thanks for your help :)
Try this one
{ "keys": ["backspace"], "command": "set_action", "args": {
"action": "vi_delete",
"description": "Delete"},
"context": [{"key": "setting.command_mode"}]
This is where I got the relevant information to work on. Default sublime keymap in vintage mode