I have a template, in which I have a declaration of a friend function, And lower, outside the class i have it's realization:
template<class TreeElement, class Comparator, class Operation>
class AVLTree {
template<class A, class B, class C >
friend AVLTree<A, B, C> createEmptyAVLTree(int n);
template<class A, class B, class C>
AVLTree<A, B, C> createEmptyAVLTree(int n) { ... }
What is the signature to call it somewhere in other files ?
I've tried:
AVLTree<Post, postByLikesFunc, emptyFunc>::createEmptyTree();
but it says it couldn't resolve it. Why ? Friend member should be seen just like that, aren't they ?
AVLTree<Post, postByLikesFunc, emptyFunc> empty;
empty = createEmptyTreeAVLTree<Post, postByLikesFunc, emptyFunc>(size);
that's in Troll.cpp in it's function.
Still shouts "was not declared in this scope", " Function could not resolved", "Symbol couldnt not resolved", "expected primary-expression before ,", "expected primary-expression before >"
#ifndef AVL_hpp
#define AVL_hpp
template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
class AVLTree {
template<class A, class B, class C>
friend AVLTree<A, B, C> createEmptyAVLTree(int n);
template<class A, class B, class C>
AVLTree<A, B, C> createEmptyAVLTree(int n) {
return AVLTree<A,B,C>();
#include "AVL.hpp"
int main() {
createEmptyAVLTree<int, int, int>(4);
return 0;
The createEmptyAVLTree isn't in the scope of AVLTree.